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梅尔·梅尔律师事务所(Maier & Maier PLLC)乃一所位於交通方便的维吉尼亚州 Virginia)的亚历山大利亚市(Alexandria)的知识产权律师行,邻近美国专利商标局 USPTO)。梅尔兄弟律师事务所专长于知识产权领域。我们有说地道中文的能力,及有能力以小公司的价格提供高质大公司的服务。我们特别是适合于协助中国的专利律师及代理人为他们的顾客获得节省成本的美国专利。我们迅速增长的美国顾客亦经常申请中华人民共和国国家知识产权局的专利。

Timothy J. Maier*

Maier & Maier, PLLC

Attorneys at Law

1000 Duke Street

Alexandria, Virginia 22314, USA

Office 703 740-8322

Fax   703 991-7071




* Registered to practice before the Virginia Bar and the United States Patent Office.


Maier & Maier, PLLC is a law firm conveniently located in Alexandria, Virginia next to the United States Patent and Trademark Office that specializes in the practice of Intellectual Property. The field of Intellectual Property Law extends to the traditional areas of patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Intellectual Property Law ensures that rights are registered with and granted by government agencies in their effort to advance science and the useful arts, and to protect investment in names, symbols and other representations used to identify products and services in the marketplace.
In the past few years, intellectual property theft has considerably increased. Intellectual property theft is no different than any other form of theft, as it leaves its victims in a state of economic distress, which is unfair and illegal. Intellectual property theft leads to harsh penalties for those who violate the law, just like any other form of theft. At Maier & Maier, PLLC, our lawyers will fight to protect your patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
Our practice areas include, but are not limited to: patent searches, patent application drafting, patent opinions, patent prosecution, patent litigation, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and licensing. Our experienced, dedicated lawyers are focused on, and take great pride in, advising and obtaining patent protection for a wide scale of technologies. If you have patent questions or trademark questions, feel free to browse through our FAQ section. Please call us to discuss our incentive program for green technologies related to global warming, fuel efficiency, or alternative energy resources.
For more information on how we can help to protect your rights and your property, contact The Law Office of Maier & Maier, PLLC at (703) 740-8322 to speak with an Intellectual Property attorney today. Click here to read more about Patent attorneys.




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